AG Fiedler
PD Dr. rer. nat. Tomas Fiedler
Anfahrt zum IMIKRO

Main Topics
Systems biology and metabolism of gram-positive cocci
In cooperation with modeller groups we aim to understand the metabolic processes enabling gram-positive homofermentative lactic acid bacteria such as Streptococcus pyogenes and Enterococcus faecalis to colonize (or invade) the human host.
We experimentally support the modelling groups in reconstructing the metabolic networks of those bacteria and construct genome-scale metabolic models considering metabolic, transcriptomic and proteomic data. Based on the models, we try to identify potential new drug targets and develop antimicrobial drugs interfering with metabolic processes specific and vital for the bacteria.
DFG (FI1588/2-1) „Elucidating the role of protein load for the physiology of Enterococcus faecalis by integrating proteomics data and genome-scale computational models” 10/2018-09/2021
Landesgraduiertenförderung M-V: „Die Rolle der nicht-phosphorylierenden Glycerinaldehyd-3-Phosphat-Dehydrogenase GapN im Stoffwechsel von Streptokokken und ihr Potential als drug target in Streptococcus pyogenes“ 10/2020-09/2022
Interactions between bacterial pathogens and biomaterials
Biomaterial are used to replace defective human tissue temporarily or permanently. Since biomaterials are abiotic surfaces in the human body, they are particularly susceptible to bacterial colonization. We analyze the interplay between biomaterials and their degradation products with typical bacterial pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis or enterobacteria and eukaryotic cells in the implant periphery.
DFG research training group 2901 -GRK SYLOBIO:
“Systemic and local reactions in case of incompatibility to biomaterials for joint and skin lesions”
07/2024 – 06/2029
Microbial enzymes in cancer therapy
Microbial enzymes converting nutrients essential for growth of tumor cells are promising candidates in cancer therapy.
In collaboration with Dr. Claudia Maletzki (Molecular Oncology and Immune Therapy group of the Rostock University Medical Centre) we work on the application of arginine-famishment of solid tumors using bacterial arginine-degrading enzymes.
AG Fiedler 2024

Archiv Gruppenbilder

AG Fiedler 2024

AG Fiedler 2019

PD Dr. rer. nat.
Tomas Fiedler
- Wissenschaftler
am Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Virologie und Hygiene

Dipl. Ing. (FH)
Yvonne Humboldt
- Medizinisch-technische Assistentin in der Forschung
- Sicherheitsbeauftragte am IMIKRO
- Mitarbeiterin Kurslabor
+49 (0) 381 494 5957
+49 (0) 381 494 5795
+49 (0) 381 494 5902

Isabell Wagner
- PhD Student
am Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Virologie und Hygiene
+49 (0) 381 494 5939
+49 (0) 381 494 5977
+49 (0) 381 494 5902

Ann Charloth Kuhfahl
- PhD Student
am Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Virologie und Hygiene
+49 (0) 381 494 5939
+49 (0) 381 494 5977
+49 (0) 381 494 5902
Ben Hlawatschke | student assistant | +49 (0) 381 494 5977 |
Johannes Wegner-Repke | student assistant | +49 (0) 381 494 5977 |
Abdelraouf Elbahrawi | Master student | +49 (0) 381 494 5977 |
Hendrik Mück | Master student | +49 (0) 381 494 5977 |