AG Kreikemeyer
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Bernd Kreikemeyer
Anfahrt zum IMIKRO
Main Topics
Current research projects on group A streptococci in the institute are
molecular characterization of S. pyogenes surface-associated adhesins, secreted enzymes and toxins
regulation of virulence gene expression and phase switching
system biology approach to elucidate the S. pyogenes whole cell metabolism and its association to virulence
bacteria-host interactions during adherence, internalization, and intracellular persistence as well as during evasion from the host cell
characterization of the molecular biology of S. pyogenes monospecies biofilms
interactions between S. pyogenes and other bacterial species of the human oral cavity and skin in the course of mixed species biofilm formation
effects of life cell / killed S. pyogenes preparations as adjuvants in experimental tumor therapy
Current research projects on biofilms in the institute are
set-up and optimization of culture conditions for mixed species biofilms with periodontal pathogens
current optimization of culture techniques for investigating pathogens forming biofilms on implant materials
in situ hybridization, metabolic markers and antibody techniques for the visualization of biofilm bacteria
microscopic techniques to study the three dimensional structures of biofilms
gene expression measurements and proteomics of biofilm-organized bacteria
prevention / change of biofilm growth by surface modifications and treatments with antiseptics or probiotics
Recent papers
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Group Leader

Dr. rer. nat.
Anne Breitrück
- Wissenschaftlerin
am Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Virologie und Hygiene
+49 (0) 381 494 2640
+49 (0) 381 494 5902

Dr. rer. hum.
Katharina Ekat
- Wissenschaftlerin
am Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Virologie und Hygiene
+49 (0) 381 494 5939
+49 (0) 381 494 5795
+49 (0) 381 494 5902

PD Dr. rer. nat.
Tomas Fiedler
- Wissenschaftler
am Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Virologie und Hygiene

PD Dr. rer. nat.
Nadja Patenge
- Wissenschaftlerin
am Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Virologie und Hygiene
Name | Telefon | |
MSc Thomas Dauben | 0381 494 5939 | thomas.dauben{bei} |
Medical Technical Assistant

Jana Bull
- Medizinisch-technische Assistentin in der Forschung
am Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Virologie und Hygiene
+49 (0) 381 494 5799
+49 (0) 381 494 5794
+49 (0) 381 494 5795
+49 (0) 381 494 5902

Dipl. Ing. (FH)
Yvonne Humboldt
- Medizinisch-technische Assistentin in der Forschung
- Sicherheitsbeauftragte am IMIKRO
- Mitarbeiterin Kurslabor
+49 (0) 381 494 5957
+49 (0) 381 494 5795
+49 (0) 381 494 5902
Diploma Student